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Becoming a Member of Embrace UCC


We’re glad you are considering becoming a member of Embrace United Church of Christ.  Although we don’t push people to become members, it’s a very important step for you and our church.


In order to help you make a solid connection to the life and family of the church, we have established a membership process called “Covenant Keepers,” which is a class in which we talk about what it means to be a member of Embrace UCC and what it means to make and keep covenant with God through church membership.


If you are interested in participating in the Covenant Keepers class and becoming a member of Embrace UCC or just want to know more about the history and ministries of our great church, please email us at or call (817) 354-4673.


What Membership Means


First, everyone is welcome here.  Although we are clear that Embrace UCC is a Christian church, we are determined that no one feel excluded.  Regardless of where people are on their faith journey, they are welcome here.  We are all seeking truth together.


Membership means that we have made certain decisions about faith, and we are ready to make certain commitments.  The faith decision we expect that members have made is a simple one.  As members of Embrace UCC, we have decided that for us, following Jesus as a disciple is the path we have chosen.  While this does not mean the rest of the world is wrong, it does mean that we are unapologetic about being followers of Jesus.


The commitment we expect from members is based on our belief that you are a gifted child of God.  We believe God has led you to this point in your life because you have something unique to offer.  The vision of our church is a tremendous one.  To meet it will require all of us working together.  For that reason we believe that every member is a minister!  You have a role to play in building the Reign of God in this world.


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