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Easter is almost here

We have been following the story of Jesus as he taught and healed during the last weeks of his earthly ministry. Lent is the time to read those accounts and meditate on all that led up to the cross and empty tomb. We try to put ourselves in the place of those who were with Jesus -- the women, the disciples, those who were healed - those who flocked to hear and see Jesus as he taught amazing new ways of relating in the world.

Since we don't have access to facilities to host Holy Week services -- we will host a Virtual Holy Week Experience. We are inviting you to join in daily readings of the passion story and a reading from the prophets - Monday to Friday of Holy Week. Or you may wish to read the whole passion story in one setting from Luke. The readings are listed on the Upcoming Events column on the home page.

We will also be sending out a daily email with the readings and a short meditation written by one of our worship team members as well as posting it on our face book page. We invite you to read the passages and meditate with us virtually during this Holiest of Weeks.

Easter Sunday will find us gathering to celebrate the empty tomb and raise our voices in praise and awe. Worship will be followed by a community celebration on the grounds of Old Bedford School -- with an egg hunt and games for the children. We will not hold Sunday School classes on Easter so that folks may join in this time of fun and fellowship.

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