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Christmas Rush 2019

It is one week until Christmas. Children are excited that school will soon be on break. Parents, teachers, workers and families are gearing up for a change in routine, time off and time to celebrate with family and friends. Somewhere in all the mix is the figure, Jesus. Take time to be with the reality of God sending a baby to the troubled world -- a gift of love and hope. Look at the lights and trees and decorations and bask in the awesomeness of God coming to earth.

I have been asking friends "What makes it Christmas for you -- What is something that you do or eat or think about that brings the meaning of Christmas home to you this season?" One friend said -- "I sing happy birthday to Jesus 30 times in December leading up to Christmas -- while I drive to work or when walking into the house in the evening. It is a gentle reminder of the season's real meaning."

What ever your ritual -- I pray there is something you do that "makes it Christmas". Maybe that includes coming for Candlelight Worship on Christmas eve, hearing the Christmas story from Luke and singing the carols with your church community!


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